10 surprising examples of AI in everyday life

By Jess Lawrence
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When AI isn’t thrashing us as what we do best – such as Google’s AI beating a top human player at the game Go – it’s finding a surprising place in our everyday life.

Here is a run down of the most interesting examples of AI in everyday life.

1. Respondable from Boomerang

Boomerang is an application in Gmail that gives you more control over when you send and receive emails – ideal for handling time zone differences. Boomerang Respondable takes this to the next level by using artificial intelligence to analyse your emails as you write them and give suggestions for improvement.

2. Brain.fm

The team behind Brain.fm use extensive research and trained professionals to produce music written and performed by artificial intelligence. The purpose is to put the listener into one of three states – focus, relaxation or sleep – and each note and sound is designed to stimulate the brain accordingly.

3. Spotify’s Discover Weekly

In 2015, Spotify released their Discover Weekly playlist that mixes recommendations with deep learning. Basing its analysis on what you’ve listened to previously, Discover Weekly presents you with a personalised playlist full of music you’re likely to enjoy.

4. Capitan

Have you ever written a shopping list down and then forgotten to take it with you? Or maybe you didn’t check the fridge before leaving and can’t remember if you need milk or not. Capitan is the smart shopping list that learns as you use it, to save you time and to avoid those missed items.

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5. Amazon’s anticipatory shipping

Of course, who needs a last minute dash to the shops when Amazon is ready to send you orders before you’ve even placed them? By using data based on customer buying habits and geographical needs, Amazon plans to introduce a system of pre-shipping to beat demand during peak seasons.

6. Receptiviti.ai

Receptiviti.ai allows you to analyse the psychology, personality and decision-making style of an individual by inputting a block of text, such as an email or blog post. The tool also lets you input a person’s Twitter handle and feeds back the best way to communicate with that person based on an analysis of their social profile.

7. Clarke.ai

Taking notes on a conference call can be tricky. Pay too much attention to your note taking and you might miss something that’s said, but listen too closely and you can’t type it up. Clarke.ai is an AI bot that dials into your conferences calls and does all the note taking work for you. Then, when the call is over, it emails the notes directly to your inbox.

8. EyeQuant

How cluttered is your website? Is the design eye-catching? EyeQuant is the AI that will answer these questions for you. Based on real-life studies of how we observe the aspects of a webpage, EyeQuant uses statistical analysis and machine learning to identify flaws with 90 percent accuracy.

9. DuLight

Though still very much in its infancy, DuLight has been dubbed ‘the eyes for the visually impaired’. The device is a small camera that fits on the user’s ear and captures images of the objects in front of them. These images are then sent to an app on your smartphone, which analyses them and audio-describes what it sees based on vast quantities of previously studied images.

10. AI beer

That’s right: AI beer. IntelligentX has been brewing their four beers (amber, golden, pale and black) with the help of an AI hidden behind Facebook’s messenger service. The AI takes customer feedback and adjusts the recipe according to what people like about the beer. Cheers!

Everyday AI

Whether you’re aware of it or not, AI has a massive impact on our daily lives. For most of us, it’s in our phones, it’s helping us do our jobs more efficiently and it’s generally making our lives easier. And the best part – this is only the beginning. In fact, AI has the potential to increase business productivity for every business across every industry.

Know of any other examples of AI we haven't mentioned here? Let us know in the comments. 

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